Company profile

AFRY’s vision is to be the trusted partner, delivering smart solutions through connected teams.

Today’s global megatrends are shaping our everyday lives. They trigger new challenges and opportunities at an ever-increasing pace. What remains constant is society’s need for consulting and engineering services to solve big issues such as cleaner energy generation, improved transportation links and bioeconomy.

Clients come to AFRY for reliable advice and smart solutions that they can trust and depend upon to realise projects and business goals. Working side-by-side with their clients, they connect the sharpest knowledge and insight to create unique concepts that overcome complexity and deliver results.

Founded in 1959, AFRY is an innovative company, employing some of the most creative minds in their sectors. World-wide teams of talented experts thrive on solving problems. Every day, they add value by combining deep sector competence with extensive local experience.

Products and services

  • Hydropower Plants
  • Hydroconsulting – Water Resources
  • Electromechanical Engineering
  • Transmission & Distribution
  • Project Management & Site Supervision – Site Supervision, Electrical Engineering, HVAC, Fire Protection, Project Management, Tender & Placing
  • Geology & Geotechnics
  • Geophysics
  • Material Technology
  • Geodetic & Geotechnical Surveying
  • Digital Solutions – Redbex, SigmaDOC
  • Plant & Pipeline Engineering


The history of AFRY Austria mirrors an important part of the recent history of the Austrian economic system, which is inextricably linked with the construction and expansion of energy generation facilities – with hydropower in the lead. The storage facilities in Kaprun and the systematic development of the Danube still count as the symbol for the economic recovery after WW2. This combined with the hydro-thermal Verbund development of calorific power plant capacities. Ensuring a consistent supply of energy was one of the cornerstones for the economic recovery and the economic vitality of Austria. Within this setting, AFRY Austria GmbH came into being.

It is truly remarkable, and testimony of the farsightedness of their management at that time, that already in 1959 it was decided to offer the technical “know-how”, that was gained during the development of their power plants, on the free market. Many companies followed this example much later on – most probably also sometimes too late! To this day it is the knowledge of AFRY’s engineers that is in demand when it comes to the planning and development of power plants. And this on a scale that by far exceeds the size of the small country Austria. Pöyry’s engineers are in demand internationally and they have their own relative importance, whether deployed in planning, during building, or the delivery and assembly of power generating or distributing facilities.

National Coat of Arms

Use of the National Coat of Arms by business enterprises according to §68 GewO (Industrial Code)

AFRY Austria GmbH
Kranichberggasse 4
1120 Wien
+43 1 53605-0
+43 1 53605-22165
Export/Foreign share
Export markets
Turkey, Southeast Europe, Scandinavia, Southeast Asia, Africa, Caucasus, Israel, U.A.E.
Consulting Engineers
Contact person
Mag. Johannes Dölzlmüller
Managing Director

AFRY Austria GmbH – being an Austrian Company – has significantly shaped our country with manifold experiences in consulting and engineering services in the fields of energy and infrastructure over the past 60 years. We are proud to be awarded the Austrian national coat of arms.

This is also recognition of the performance of our employees in Austria and abroad.

The Austrian national coat of arms is not only an appreciation, it distinguishes us as a company awarded with the quality seal of the Republic of Austria and will be a commitment for us all.